Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Had US elections always been transparent and fair?

The answer to that question is a resounding NO if you had taken the time to investigate.

Of course, many of Donald Trump's statements and personal attitude towards women are obnoxious, but that doesn't mean Hillary is a good fit to be groomed as the next President of the USA. Hillary's ugliness lies in her immoral and unethical character and dangerous attitude towards many national and international issues. While a bad boy Trump could be good to reign in the Cold War 2.0, Hillary, with instigation from Washington's warmongering neo-cons, is just waiting to unleash a nuclear showdown with Russia and military attacks on Syria and Iran. She has the strong financial backing from America's corrupt corporations and military-industrial complex.

US Election Potpourri: The Media “Presstitutes” Have Set Up “The Election To Be Stolen”

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